1. When will my subscription expire ?
Suppose you have purchased a subscription of Rs 149 after the completion of the GPAT exam then your plan will be valid till the declaration of the result of the next GPAT exam.
2. Why did my subscription expired in one month ?
The subscription of every member would expire at the end of GPAT exam. If you have purchased the plan 1 month prior to the GPAT exam that's why your subscription has expired.
3. How should I recover my password ?
At present we don't provide a link for a direct reset of the password. All your passwords will be stored in our database. You need to click on forget password option and send us automated generated email to reset your password. Note that your password would be reset only if your email ID exists in our database.
4. How to register in Pharmatricks.com ?
You need to click on register option present on the left side of the login portal. You have to fill details like name, email I'd and set password and pay the subscription plan to register successfully. Note that your Login Id would be activated instantly after successful payment.
5. How do I edit my email ID and Mobile, I have typed the wrong email ?
Email and Mobile number once entered can't be edited. You need to adjust with the same email I'd till your subscription plan expired. Another option will be to reregister again with the correct email I'd by making payment.
6. What Password should I enter ?
Note that at present all your password will be stored in our database to help you with forget password option. It is highly advised not to use the same password which you use on social media accounts or Gmail accounts.
7. Why I am not able to login to my account ?
This can happen due to two reason the first reason is either you have not typed the same password which you use while registering your account. If this is the case, then check on the confirmation mail received as payment successful mail sent to your mail. This will display your login ID and password. The second reason will be you subscription plan might have expired and you need to register again.
8. Why I am not able to login in Multiple devices ?
One user can login to once session at a time. Multiple login is strictly disabled for subscribed user. If it happens your session would be automatically logged out. If such case happens it means that you have shared your email and password to another user who is currently login at the same time. If this is not the case then you can send us an email at admin@pharmatricks.com to reset your password with your registered email id.
9. Why is my session automatically logged out ?
You will be automatically logged out if you try to login into multiple devices. At present we allow only one user signing at one time.
10. Why Pharmatricks is not like other website whose subscription expired on exactly after one year of registration.
Setting up a auto renew subscription model website needs lots of file and maintenance cost. So, in order to reduce the cost of the subscription plan we have not enabled such an option. At present we are growing in the pharma sector. So, we too have to compete with other websites that provides MCQ practice series. We have set the most affordable price that can be an add on for revising concepts.